That night I was so bothered, but of no other means but to be on my knees and talked to my Almighty Father. With much sincerity I told Him my worries and put everything in His hands. Early morning around five oc'lock I received a message from Ibu Wennie..."we wer awakn by spordc gunfrs at 4:30am. Hows c2atn der? kelan mo balak alis? paano staf mo? Bondia". I told her that my Asia Pacific Office is rushing me to evacuate, however, I placed everything in the hands of God. I got up from my bed, prayed and took my early shower then proceeded to Joey's place. The very reason was I have nothing to eat. Joey was preparing to fly back to the Philippines. It was his scheduled time. after our breakfast Pastor Nelson arrived and they brought Joey to the airport. I tried going to the Merpati office but it was closed. I don't know how to change my flight schedule. "Butch, gud am. Hop2 c u here on d 6th. get out from der d soonest posible" , this was Nestor's early message for me. Wat i did was drove to airport to follow Joey and Pastor Nelson and to try if i can negotiate at the airport for my flight, but again I failed. From the airport I passed by the US embassy and saw lots of Timorese taking their refuge. They believed, that the embassy is one of the safest area in town. I went to the Afet President's place. It was a Hotel at the front of the beach. There, they are also worried and told me that even the Philippine Embassy is closed. We don't know where to go at that time of crisis. I got my lunch with them. Again, because I failed to stock my food during that crisis, i resorted to hop to other Filipino friends.
When I went back to my place, I remembered Daniel, my Indonesian friend who always helped me booking my official trips. he is based in Bali, Indonesia. What I did was dialed his number and told him if he can change my booking the earliest time possible. He did not promised but told me he will do the best he can. "Ga, Ps. 91 GOD IS OUR DWELLING PLACE." A wonderful message from my very supporting wife in the Philippines. Again it comforted me and received God's peace at the midst of trouble. "Ga, kung walang move ang Phil embasy n ur bosses, pls let me know so i wil do my own moves to cntak PGMA", a note from an angry wife that made me feel at ease and relax. I told her not to bother so much as I can handle myself by the grace of God.
Sunday, the next morning, Nes was again my first mobile phone customer. "Butch, gud am, how r tngs goin on? is der merpati? Ur jap fren wld like 2 meet u in Bali nsted. we'l relay to hm f ur sure of date". Since it was a sunday morning, I prepared to go to church. "Good am bros Abel & Butch. Bible reading -Eph 3:13-21. Bro Butch paki bhala k na s matadoro". that was a message from Pastor Nelson for us to prepare in our roles in the church as if everything is normal and it was really a normal Sunday morning, praising God amidst the situation. After the service and sunday school around 12:00 nn, I was shocked when I opened my phone. I received a message from Daniel saying "ur flght is today, april 30 dildps ok, ref QLCZX4. please report to merpati airport, dili"
I was in a mixed emotion... I told the church people that I should go and I don't know if that was a farewell. Three of my Filipino friends, Abel, Fernan and Richard went with me and helped me pack up all my stuff. Carmen, the hotel manager and her mother almost cried out when they saw me hurrying for my departure. I let Richard brought with him my vehicle and told him to return it to our office the next day. In the airport, after we prayed my friends left and I managed to call my MANCOM staff through mobile phones and gave my final instruction. When Merpati took off, I thank God for the love He showered me in that midst of Crisis. Praise Him!
I did not stayed too long in Bali but had my overnight in singapore. Early Monday morning I touch down in the Philippines via Cebu and Davao...
Now I'm back in my home town! Crisis Management is a real experience. A personal one. a surviving phenomenon. A GRACE FROM THE ALMIGHTY GOD!!! PRAISE HIM.