Saturday, November 15, 2008

RISK TAKING is Accepting New Responsibility Beyond Fears?

November 12, 2008 when I received the newest challege in my professional life. A month ago, I was always receiving congratulatory messages from my collegues in school and in the profession. I did not bother those messages, since I know it wont be appropriate to entertain something which I don't really know if a joke or real. Dr. Rodriguez, the school academic assistant called me up to see her in the office last November 12 in the morning. She asked me if I got the memo from the school President. She did not ellaborated her querry, but deep in me I knew what she means. Finally when I went down to the HR Office, the working student made me receive the memo from the College President designating me as the Officer in Charge of the Social Work Program.

Well, my first reaction was to think, if how I can handle the responsibility, being so responsible of many things prior to the appointment. How will it be possible for me to become fruitful College Dean as expected while having a consultancy work with the Habitat for Humanity holding a Regional wide project? How could I do my task in my new job and being on top with the GENSARSWAI Foundation with lots of projects in line? However, beyond these fears, I was able to see great opportunities and another avenue where I can share something beyond community works. I know that the Almighty God is with me and He will just stop me if seen overspeeding.

Risk Taking is an integral and intrinsic part of success or living a full life. Let me see how this will work with this new challenge i received. I am so greatly inspired with what the Bible says "In Christ, everything is possible". The apostle Paul further said, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthjened me". I kow, I have to thank God for this.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Stress Management in Every Opportunity: A Workplace Scenario

It is so worthwhile to recall that on November 2007 Pak Boyet Macorol invited me for the third time, to join his team in the EU-Assisted Build for Peace in Mindanao Project. This project is one of the contributions of the Habitat for Humanity Philippines in the peace build efforts in Mindanao. Considering that I cannot get away from my previous commitments, I assured him that I will join his team by December 2007. During that time, I was on the peak of our preparation for the Mindanaowide Social Workers' Convention slated last week of November where I volunteered myself to be the Convention Director (of course, I got no objection from my colleague social workers in PASWI-GENSARSWAI). I realized it was not an easy task, but I thank God; it was facilitated, not so well but accordingly, that was a great job for the first timers. Thanks God, I have with me the supports of co-officers and members of the organization. That was a great relief when we finished the convention hosting.

December 1, 2007 I reported to Habitat for Humanity Philippines-HBRC Mindanao to fulfill my commitment. I told Boyet that I cannot spare my 8 hours a day, 5 days a week to the project since I was holding several tasks even after the convention. To mention few are as follows: I was a part time social work professor in two big colleges; the Ramon Magsaysay Memorial College and the Notre Dame of Dadiangas University; I am the President and Chief Executive Officer of the GENSARSWAI Foundation, Inc. The Foundation at that time was preparing for the Caregiver training and had just started to reactivate its program and services with a very minimum operational fund; I was a newly elected Board of trustee of the Gensan Habitat for Humanity, Inc. I cannot also get out from my consultancy works that made me received my resources in order to live. Saturdays and Sundays I divided my time for my family and my church obligations as the Sunday School Principal and a Preacher in our church evening service dubbed "Gospel Hour". It was so great that God shared me His mercy, wisdom, strength and protection to enable me to handle all those responsibilities. Boyet agreed that I can't spare my full time and we started working together. On the second week of December, I started to realize that the commitment I entered into with Habitat cannot be facilitated with part time efforts. The job requires more that 8 hour a day and 6 days a week work. Deliverables are too huge given the remaining project time line of 14 months. Something should be done but since I was caught unaware, I failed to manage my stress and fall down in bed, spent my Christmas and New Year terribly sick. Again I realized that what had happened is an opportune time to spend more quality time to the source of everything, to my Creator and God.

The year 2008 was a good year of new revelations, to start every day communing with Him and talking to Him anytime of the day. Acknowledging my nothingness without Him and putting every molecule of trust in Him. Then… more blessings followed. In Habitat, more competent staffs were added and a new manager was in placed. The work became so light and well focused. In the family, communication gaps are slowly healed and physical health conditions are improving. Consultancy opportunities are growing. On May 2008, I received a full time appointment in my teaching career in the Social Work Program of Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges. In the Foundation, we started to launch three major programs and two Convention projects. Again, the more opportunities, the more pressures. However, to effectively manage our stress in this reality, we need to go back to our knees and seek His guidance and wisdom. We cannot get out of opportunities because these are blessings that we can use to also bless others. An opportunity is always an opportunity to serve Him and touch the lives of others. Col 3:23 says, "Whatsoever you do, do it as unto the Lord and not for men." An opportunity is always a benefit. God says in Isaiah 1:19, "If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land…" Opportunities therefore are products of obedience, and if these are products of obedience, then He is always there to enable us manage our stresses.

It’s a great experience, realizing that even in stress, His enabling power is with us. Let us be His real children and inheritors.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Power of Partnership

It was 3 PM, April 12, 2008 at the Gensan Affiliate Office, 2nd floor, Yap Mabuhay Building, corner Mansanitas and Cagampang streets, General Santos City when the signing of MOA between Habitat for Humanity, SAO Phil., and the Mindanao Commission for Women was done. It was organized through a simple ceremony facilitated by the Gensan Habitat for Humanity, Inc., supported by the Habitat PMT. Jun Bibiolata of SAO Phil., Commissioner Evans de Pedro of MCW, Engr. Leonardo Teves of the Habitat Affiliate and Beth Quijano of Habitat PMT signed the MOA in the presence of Atty. Ariel Duray.

The MOA stipulated responsibilities that lessen the load of Habitat but pushing towards the gain of the home partners. Without the two other organizations I believe it will make Habitat do the swimming and sinking thing in fulfilling the deliberables of the Build for Peace in Mindanao Project. Given the partnership, Habitat will only focus to its core competency; building homes while SAO will do the savings mobilization and community organization. On the other hand, MCW will help in financing income generating projects for women and in other activities which will increase capability of the home partners. THAT'S THE POWER OF PARTNERSHIP!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Escape From Dili, the Final Chapter (crisis management?)

The Final episode...

That night I was so bothered, but of no other means but to be on my knees and talked to my Almighty Father. With much sincerity I told Him my worries and put everything in His hands. Early morning around five oc'lock I received a message from Ibu Wennie..."we wer awakn by spordc gunfrs at 4:30am. Hows c2atn der? kelan mo balak alis? paano staf mo? Bondia". I told her that my Asia Pacific Office is rushing me to evacuate, however, I placed everything in the hands of God. I got up from my bed, prayed and took my early shower then proceeded to Joey's place. The very reason was I have nothing to eat. Joey was preparing to fly back to the Philippines. It was his scheduled time. after our breakfast Pastor Nelson arrived and they brought Joey to the airport. I tried going to the Merpati office but it was closed. I don't know how to change my flight schedule. "Butch, gud am. Hop2 c u here on d 6th. get out from der d soonest posible" , this was Nestor's early message for me. Wat i did was drove to airport to follow Joey and Pastor Nelson and to try if i can negotiate at the airport for my flight, but again I failed. From the airport I passed by the US embassy and saw lots of Timorese taking their refuge. They believed, that the embassy is one of the safest area in town. I went to the Afet President's place. It was a Hotel at the front of the beach. There, they are also worried and told me that even the Philippine Embassy is closed. We don't know where to go at that time of crisis. I got my lunch with them. Again, because I failed to stock my food during that crisis, i resorted to hop to other Filipino friends.

When I went back to my place, I remembered Daniel, my Indonesian friend who always helped me booking my official trips. he is based in Bali, Indonesia. What I did was dialed his number and told him if he can change my booking the earliest time possible. He did not promised but told me he will do the best he can. "Ga, Ps. 91 GOD IS OUR DWELLING PLACE." A wonderful message from my very supporting wife in the Philippines. Again it comforted me and received God's peace at the midst of trouble. "Ga, kung walang move ang Phil embasy n ur bosses, pls let me know so i wil do my own moves to cntak PGMA", a note from an angry wife that made me feel at ease and relax. I told her not to bother so much as I can handle myself by the grace of God.

Sunday, the next morning, Nes was again my first mobile phone customer. "Butch, gud am, how r tngs goin on? is der merpati? Ur jap fren wld like 2 meet u in Bali nsted. we'l relay to hm f ur sure of date". Since it was a sunday morning, I prepared to go to church. "Good am bros Abel & Butch. Bible reading -Eph 3:13-21. Bro Butch paki bhala k na s matadoro". that was a message from Pastor Nelson for us to prepare in our roles in the church as if everything is normal and it was really a normal Sunday morning, praising God amidst the situation. After the service and sunday school around 12:00 nn, I was shocked when I opened my phone. I received a message from Daniel saying "ur flght is today, april 30 dildps ok, ref QLCZX4. please report to merpati airport, dili"

I was in a mixed emotion... I told the church people that I should go and I don't know if that was a farewell. Three of my Filipino friends, Abel, Fernan and Richard went with me and helped me pack up all my stuff. Carmen, the hotel manager and her mother almost cried out when they saw me hurrying for my departure. I let Richard brought with him my vehicle and told him to return it to our office the next day. In the airport, after we prayed my friends left and I managed to call my MANCOM staff through mobile phones and gave my final instruction. When Merpati took off, I thank God for the love He showered me in that midst of Crisis. Praise Him!

I did not stayed too long in Bali but had my overnight in singapore. Early Monday morning I touch down in the Philippines via Cebu and Davao...

Now I'm back in my home town! Crisis Management is a real experience. A personal one. a surviving phenomenon. A GRACE FROM THE ALMIGHTY GOD!!! PRAISE HIM.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

At Last I did It.- Many thanks to NoldSel

For so many months and few years, I was really struggling on how to finish my own Crisis Management story. I was having difficulties on how to re-access to my Blog. Just few hours ago, Arnold initiated a chat until our conversation reached on how I could re-access to my blog. Thanks God for the technology. I am based in General Santos now and He's in Tagbilaran City but he managed to coach me and finally I am having access to my blog again... Thanks Nold. Wait and see for the final chapter of my experience in DILI, Timor Leste!

I have to park at a moment. Have to prepare something for tomorrow (February 7), its my wife's BIG DAY!!!Peace be with you (Shalom) and God bless you!